TemplatesNext Toolkit is a plugin to help you create beautiful pages with columns, carousels, services, etc.

Currently it has shortcodes for
1. Columns
2. Divider
3. Spacer
4. Testimonials
5. Butons
6. Call To Act
7. Services
8. Portfolios
9. Recent Posts
8. Heading
9. itrans Slider

The list will be increasing with time and user request.

To start find the [tx] button in your text editor tool bar (The plugin will have to be installed and active).



On clicking the “tx” button, the list of shortcodes will appear as popup, select the desired schortcode



This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Bhupendra Mandal

    Awesome Plugin, does everything i wanted, thank you for the plugin

  2. Jennife

    hey i am using i-max theme and i am customize this theme.how can i display client on theme?

  3. linda brown

    Not sure if you resolved this, but if you open the xml file by double clicking it, it will open in a browser and display the import instructions.

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